::Element Specialization::

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+ Req to unlock/pick a specialization: need lvl 60 + S class and talk to Point Vendor to pick your specialization (need 10 arena points to unlock a specialization to start of) 
+ Each player can only pick 1 Specialization (Elementalist trait can pick 2)
+ Every Jutsu and lvl upgrade costs Arena Points
+ Lvl 1 costs 5 AP and lvl 2 costs 10 AP for all jutsus
+ Ultimates costs 20 AP and you can only have 1 ultimate

1. Suiton: Suirou no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = 1 tile bind, the user traps the target inside of a water prison hitting the target trapped inside with drowning damage
    - lvl 2 = Makes a water clone that uses this jutsu for you instead
2. Suiton: Suiben no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = hits 4 tiles side ways infront 2 left side and 1 up on right side dmg based on mostly nin and a bit of taijutsu
    - lvl 2 = has 50% chance to bind targets in water rope on hit (punch to break free)

3. Suiton: Isonagi no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = places an indicator, a pair of pincers rise out of the ground in a 2x2 aoe and damages targets.
    - lvl 2 = binds target on hit

4. Suiton: Hachi Shokushu no Jutsu (Fighting-style)
    - lvl 1 = makes users attack omni-directional (hits 2 tiles all directions)
    - lvl 2 = also drains chakra on hit
5. Suiton: Suikoubakuha no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = Shoots a huge 2x2 chakra shark
    - lvl 2 = now it also explodes in a 5x5 aoe on impact and drains chakra

6. Ultimate (can only pick 1) 20 AP
    + Suiton: Daibakuryuu no Jutsu (Furious Current Jutsu) - the user places an indicator, clicking again will create a giant water vortex in a 7x7 aoe, sucking enemies to the center, doing DPS and draining chakra
    + Suiton: Daibaku Suishouha no Jutsu - the user sends 3 waves of 5 tiles wide water waves in all 4 directions, the last wave leavng a trail (getting hit by any of the waves or stepping on the trail drains chakra, the waves has same interval as chidori senbon)

1. Katon: Gouenka no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = user sends 10 flame bullets into air, they start falling down and hitting random spots within users screen every 0.1s
    - lvl 2 = user sends 20 flame bullets into air
2. Katon: Haijingakure no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = the user sends 1 wave of 3 tiles wide ash in all 4 directions, getting hit will blind targets for 10 sec
    - lvl 2 = will also damage and burn targets hit
3. Katon: Karyuudan no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = the user fires a 3x3 fire dragon head that explodes on impact
    - lvl 2 = leaves fire caltrops at point of collision that burns for 10 sec

4. Katon: Gouryuuka no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = fires 3 shots of 3x3 tiles fire dragon heads in a housenka formation 
    - lvl 2 = fires 5 shots

5. Katon: Ryuuen Odori no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = fires a  3x3 sphere of swirling fire dragons that burns on hit
    - lvl 2 = the sphere sticks onto whoever it hits and does DPS for 10 sec to anyone in the AOE
6. Ultimate (can only pick 1) 20 AP
    + Katon: Gouka Mekkyaku (atk)- this makes 7x3 fire blast burns, first tile does normal dmg while last 2 does 0.2x head dmg (this jutsu goes through opponent withouth dissapearing)
    + Katon: Oni Dourou - creates fire whisps all over the screen in random locations that bursts when enemies tourch them, damaging and burning them

Paralyze Effect: jutsus that cause paralyze increases paralyze count, heals 1 paralyze count every 10 seconds
- everytime you take step there is [paralyze count/5] chance it fails
- everytime you punch there is [paralyze count] chance it fails
- everytime you do handsigns there is [paralyze count] chance it fails
- everytime you do slash there is [paralyze count] chance it fails

Gian - adds 15 paralyze count
Senbon - adds 2 paralyze count
pillars - adds 1 paralyze count
rairyuu - adds 1 paralyze count
hiraishin - adds 10 paralyze count
1. Raiton: Raijuu Tsuiga no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = fires 3 waves of 1 tile homing lightning wolfs that goes into spot target was when they were shot
    - lvl 2 = adds 5 to paralyze count
2. Raiton: Raigeki no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = a lightning whip strike that works like "Suiben"
    - lvl 2 = adds 10 to paralyze count
3. Raiton: Hebi Mikazuchi no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = fires lightning snakes in all directions
    - lvl 2 = fires lightning snakes in all directions that binds and and does DPS (break bind with punch)
4. Raiton: Raisou Gekishin no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = the user fires a housenka formation of lightning discs
    - lvl 2 = the lightning discs also adds 7 to paralyze count pierces like mizudeppou
5. Raiton: Torabasami no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = the user places down a lightning bear trap that springs up and damages enemies when they step on it
    - lvl 2 = adds 10 to paralyze count and causes bleed
6. Ultimate (can only pick 1) 20 AP
Kirin (atk)- 5x5 controllable, Pierces objects, dies when hits player, creating a 7x7 aoe of lightning currents that damages and stuns anyone who touches them for 3 sec
Raiton: Raikou Yoroi (tac)- as it is now except it would have 20% dodge and crit and chakra drain, allows tele around map by clicking (5 sec cooldown on click)

1. Doton: Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = the user burries underground and moves around (phase effect, will see a bump/shadow move around on the ground)
    - lvl 2 = if the user manages to walk under another player (aka be on the same tile), the user will automaitcally pop up and pull the enemy down in the hole, damaging and binding them
2. Doton: Sekkai Koutentsuban no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = creats a stone shield on the user, with hp based on the user chakra
    - lvl 2 = hitting the stone breast plate will make it shatter slowly, releaseing shards of stones caltrops in all directions
3. Doton: Arijigoku no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = places an indicator, clicking again will make an aoe of 7x7 quick sand that sucks players to the center
    - lvl 2 = players at the center of the jutsu takes DPS (can cast jutsus while being pulled to the center)
4. Doton: Iwadeppou no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = fires stones (stone ver of mizudeppou)
    - lvl 2 = instead of piercing like mizudeppou, they multi hit and cause bleed
5. Doton: Gansetsukon no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = Throws a 1 tile 1x3 rock spear (all 3 tiles hit)
    - lvl 2 = the rock spear splits into more spears the further it goes, after 3 tiles it becomes 3 spears, after 6 tiles it becomes 5 after 9 it becomes 7
6. Utlimate (can only pick 1) 20 AP
    + Doton: Iwa Souzou no Jutsu - this will create a rock golem that has 200,000 hp and its tai is 10,000 and Punch is 3 tile wide, this is controlled with w,a,s,d, punch has chance break bone
    + Doton: Shishi Doujou no Jutsu - creates a corpse mound that summons corpse NPCs that the player semi control, all corpse NPCs spawned will walk towards the users target and attack, if there is no target they will just walk aimlessly (corpse mound has 250k hp, lasts until user runs out of chakra or it is destroyed, 200/s drain) (corpse NPCs has 50k hp, spawn every 3 sec and doe 5k damage, limit 9 corpses)

1. Fuuton: Happa Shinkuutai no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = use jutsu and click anywhere on your screen to make the air burst, bursts from 1 tile and outwards in all directions (burst projectile travels 5 tiles)
    - lvl 2 = the initial projectiles will burst one more time if they hit something or reaches their max range
2. Fuuton: Kamaitachi no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = fires a 3x3 multihit projectile that causes bleed
    - lvl 2 = now it also sucks nearby enemies into the whirlwind and pulls them along with the projectile
3. Fuuton: Teikiatsu no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = reduces the amount of oxygen around the user, slowing down enemies in close proximity to the user (5x5 aoe, 500/s drain)
    - lvl 2 = also does DPS by reducing the amount further making close enemies choke
4. Fuuton: Hana Chirimai no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = creates a flower flurry around the user that does DPS to enemies 1 tile close (last 30 sec)
    - lvl 2 = by pucnhing the user will fire a small twister of flower petals that causes bleed or poison on hit (up to 5 shots before jutsu disappears)
5. Fuuton: Kami Oroshi no Jutsu
    - lvl 1 = user can click anywhere to create a 3x3 wind vortex that pulls nearby enemies towards the center and does DPS
    - lvl 2 = the center of the vortex shreds their armor, making them take 10% more damage from all source for 1 min after getting damaged
6. Ultimate (can only pick 1) 20 AP
    + Fuuton: Kaiten Shuriken (tac) - 5 shurikens roll around user, user can shoot it and move it with macroable commands (user can move himself and jutsu, but cannot use other jutsus nor attack). remaining blades protect user at cost of 1 blade
    + Fuuton: Dai Kamaitachi no Jutsu - fires 3x3 projectile in all directions that suck in enemies 2 tiles near it, does DPS and causes bleed and does kamikaze effect on center when it hits something dense
(This post was last modified: 10-30-2017, 12:05 AM by Shinari.)

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