Nin-Tai Specialist(Profession)

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1. Kakuran Taijutsu (fighting style) - increase punch speed + 50% chance to screw movement on hit and 20 crit
2. Tekkoutsu - grabs a random target within 1 tile of user and throws them 10-20 tiles across the room, if they hit a wall/object they get damage, hitting another player will damage both
3. Suiheisho - the user backhand chops their target crippeling them (slow)
4. Shi no Tatakiru - dashes back and forth in a line of 5-10 tiles, damaging trice + elemntal effect 
(first dash will make player appear at 5-10 tiles, 2 dash will make player dash back 5-10 tiles, 3rd dash will make player forward again 5-10 tiles, each dash takes 0.5 sec = 1.5 sec total)

5. "1st element": Lariat - dash 10 tiles, pulling whoever they hit along + elemental effect (bonus damage if slamed into a  wall/object = 1/5 users tai)
6. Dantou Dairaku - dashes 7 tiles forward and does a heel drop, does 3x5 aoe infront of the user if it hits (elemental effect)

7. Raiga bomu - dashes 5 tiles and does 5x5 aoe with elemental effect if they hit a target (Need Raiton as 1st element)

++ elemental effects: based on users 1st element ++
katon - burn
suiton - 5% chakra drain
doton - knock back + 1.5x more damage
raiton - 2 sec stun
fuuton - bleed

PS. All initial hits are tai based, while jutsus with element effect gets additional nin + effect as damage
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2017, 05:35 PM by Shinari.)

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