Another way to get Sage Mode

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Once Myoubokuzan, Ryuuchido and Shikkotsurin is added, their locations should remain a secret.
As players will be able to try for sage mode, by finding the respective land of the sage mode they want and take a small test, so to speak.
A small % of 2% to succeed the test. Failing to pass the test means instant death. (this is a one time only test, can try again after RB)

REQs to take the test:
to even get the option to attemt to take the test for sage mode, the player need to have atleastĀ 
20,000 chakra and 20,000 health.
+other hidden reqs (debatable)

Frog sage
At Myoubokuzan, you would need to find the pool of sage oil and take a dip in it.
After doing that, you will get one of the 2 texts.
"You feel a surge of energy enter your body as power swell within your body" (meaning you passed the test)
"You feel a surge of energy enter your body as you body transform into a frog, slowly getting petrified" (meaning you failed)

Snake sage
At Ryuuchido you would need to find the white snake sage and get bitten by him.
After being bitten you will get one of the 2 texts.
"You feel a surge of energy enter your body as power swell within your body" (meaning you passed the test)
"You feel a surge of energy enter your body as you body transform into a snake, slowly getting petrified" (meaning you failed)

Slug sage
At Shikkotsurin, you would need to find the grand slug sage and drink its sage slime.
After doing that you will get one of the 2 texts.
"You feel a surge of energy enter your body as power swell within your body" (meaning you passed the test)
"You feel a surge of energy enter your body as you body transform into a slug, slowly getting petrified" (meaning you failed)

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