New Feature Rebirth increses your max lvl whiles allowing you to keep something each rebirth max things that can be kept is 3 each rebirth increases your lvl by 10 max rebirth 5 so max lvl =150(village,trait,item,Ryo,Special) is the list you can keepduring rebirth
start buy visiting the Trader Npc and entering the Village point store
Next you need to pay for your rebirth scroll
it will then pop up inside your inventory can use it just by clicking it
The scroll will make sure you understand whats going on before allowing you to rebirth
after pressing I understand you will thus be giving a list asking you what would u like to keep
after picking w.e you will be taking to the remake screen where you recreate your character pick w.e clan an bammm you have Rebirth an with w.e you picked
bug fixes
Some nerfs and buffs won't tell you what exactly
gates is still bugg until we redo death system =/
Bug amour is useable again no longer banned
New Verb Added Transfer Leader can only be giving to a player inside the same org and at lvl 45(factions)
start buy visiting the Trader Npc and entering the Village point store
Next you need to pay for your rebirth scroll
it will then pop up inside your inventory can use it just by clicking it
The scroll will make sure you understand whats going on before allowing you to rebirth
after pressing I understand you will thus be giving a list asking you what would u like to keep
after picking w.e you will be taking to the remake screen where you recreate your character pick w.e clan an bammm you have Rebirth an with w.e you picked
bug fixes
Some nerfs and buffs won't tell you what exactly
gates is still bugg until we redo death system =/
Bug amour is useable again no longer banned
New Verb Added Transfer Leader can only be giving to a player inside the same org and at lvl 45(factions)