More interactive (arena,score board, rep)

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+ Make things more interactive in the game by adding arenas in the villages, players would have to go to the different arenas to challenge and accept challenges. Each village would have a designated area to fight in. (rank challenge can be accepted and challenged from any arena, win or loss, both parties will be sent to default spawn once the fight is over)

leaf = forest of death
sand = sand
cloud = dojo
mist = chuunin
rock = basic

+ there will be a score board on the wall inside of the arena buildings in each village where players can check the scores of wins and losses (remove arena tab)
     - if you want to spectate you would need to be in the right arena
     - once the fight ends both participants will spawn outside of the arena (no death, only defeat)

+ Village reputation and personal reputation will be on a bill board in the kages house next to the mission npc (remove vill/rep tab)
- there they can check their own villages rep and personal rep. (they would need to go to the other villages rep board to see what their rep is or to check the rep of the players in that village)

+ check missions will be fused with "check personal rep"
+ point vendor will be moved into the arenas
(This post was last modified: 10-26-2017, 02:15 AM by Shinari.)

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