Naruto, Ninja Arts!

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base the tutorial on indis guides Big Grin
different rooms
1st room got a tut npc with a sign over his head "ctrl+click me to talk to me!" (short breefing on rules, stats and macros)
2nd talk to the 2nd tut npc which will tell the new player how to get lvls
3rd tell about specials and clan special and unqie items, then send the player of to their villages spawn
(01-02-2017, 08:04 PM)Shinari Wrote: [ -> ]base the tutorial on indis guides Big Grin
different rooms
1st room got a tut npc with a sign over his head "ctrl+click me to talk to me!" (short breefing on rules, stats and macros)
2nd talk to the 2nd tut npc which will tell the new player how to get lvls
3rd tell about specials and clan special and unqie items, then send the player of to their villages spawn

I'd say make it an option on creation like another pop up.
already mentioned that to bj :3